Is there any superlative higher than MOSTEST FUNTASTIC? If there is, then THAT should be the description of our reunion event last Saturday night in Vegas,,,,,
We had GOOD TIME. That's for sure. We were united once more by that great force called High School. As for me, I giggled all throughout the fellowship with my gang of hungry for stories gfs. Ah, those pig-tails memories of Happy Feet, & first bfs, & the J-S prom that was missed (due to a firecracker incident @ the Rectory. Darn Rey & his band of Marijuana-crazed thugs,,,, & Darn them for making themselves missed by us last Saturday).
A litany of gratitude is now in place:
Shirley, thanks for offering us the comfort of your house,,,, You are the best hostess ever for allowing us to be the way we were in your home! Despite your seemingly domesticated nature in-the-now, you will still give me a good fight for the throneship of the Second Wind Ago-go Girl! Your spirit for fun (& your boobs) rock, girl!
Susan, thanks for being the life and the matriarch of the group, as you always are! Your snacks are the healthiest; your stories- the wackiest; your spirit of one-ness with everyone- awesome.
Iit, thanks for your usual lovely company & for the lunch treat yesterday, it was sweet of you. I shouldn't be surprised by your consistent sweetness, it was inherent,,,, You have the name Elizabeth for good reason. You are a queen, in fact- The Queen of Tea! Amen.
Alex, did you notice that even without us planning or talking about it, we end up sitting in one table- side-by-side? How cool is that. We are meant to be a pair in remembering our high school memories. No, no, you can't take that away from me,,,,
Amber & Offie, how do you mix both being hilarious & nice? Thanks for taking care of me, always,,,, (But this I want to say you, Offie~ Stop fantasizing that I will grab your husband from you, okay? I don't accept depreciated merchandise,,, and I can even speak on behalf of the Class of '80 women population,,, wahahaha,,,,)
Butch & Rose, you are the ultimate couple when it comes to the expression of godliness & love for each other! Thanks for the ride & for inspiring me with our shared stories on the drive back home,,,,
Emma, thanks for your warm company and your Frederick's tales! Your charming American twang titillates my ears.
Ron & Irma, you two glitter together with your remarkable pizzazz! How do you do that?
Annette & Chuck, you two look so adorable & elegant together,,,,, I am a fan,,, & Annette, if your husband has a brother, it's never too late to hook me up,,, hahahaha,,, kidding.
Beth & Ferdinand, you are so unassumingly perfect for each other,,,, How can you two be so quiet at one time then become the Dance-O-Rama king & queen the next? Your presence is soothing.
Amanda, your real name has a goddess ring to it & it is just right that we call you by this name- & not 'Mhandy.' That night you bloomed like a spring flower, with or without a man beside you,,,,
Anthony, I didn't have the opportunity of meeting & chatting with your lovely wife as it was a busy evening. But by the looks of you (you look sharp), I am sure that she is nice company.
Dahlia, By George! (Pun intended.) I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. That's 3 'hates', for 3 reasons: 1st, you managed to exude incredible poise & grace under pressure; 2nd, you are well-loved by your classmates & well-applauded by the rest of us, & 3rd, that night was your night- it was indeed, successful. Congratulations, once more.
As for me, I just had fun. And that was enough for me.
Jen Velarmino
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