Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Message From SJS

It is time to hear from your Alma Mater, St. Joseph School.

FYI: Current facilities you do not have before: Fully air-conditioned library, home economics room, computer lab, internet lab, audio-visual room, chemical and physical lab. Facilities under construction: Bigger canteen cum student lounge, two-floor library, bigger audio-visual room to ... See morehouse 2000 plus students;

BADLY NEEDED: More scholarship grants to poor but deserving students-almost two sections have not enrolled yet due to financial constraints but these students do not wish to leave St. Joseph. At the moment we have the following scholarship grant breakdown: School's scholarship grants: 11 for working students, 50 for academic excellence, 5 for athletics grant, and tuitional discounts for children of employees and more than two children enrolled at SJS; 400 DepEd grants for students coming from public schools;

ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS DIRECT TO THE SCHOOL: 3 for Batch 67; 7 from Batch 79 including personal grant by anonymous 79; other batches have scholars not directly addressed to the school.Please inform the principal's office if you have any. PAASCU ACCREDITATION PROCESS is underway.

I am appealing to all alumni here and aborad to support the school fulfill its vision of producing more Christ-centered, dynamic and effective graduates,


Imelda Tulio-Lampaso
5/24/2010 at 17:51

repost by sjsbatch80

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