It is not easy to lose something, more so, someone, specially a son. Our batchmate lost a son through a tragic senseless killing at San Diego. The man identified in the NEWS is the son of our batchmate Abdon Pugal. Abdon's family is facing a challenge of epic proportion. It is our duty as schoolmates and batchmates to help each other out in our times of need. And this is one of those times.
Here is the link to the News at 10 at San Diego you can see it for yourself.
Here is chanel 8's link:
Man Killed At Mira Mesa Party Identified - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego
MIRA MESA, Calif. -- A 20-year-old man was shot dead at a party in Mira Mesa, a police lieutenant said Sunday.
The victim, identified as Aris Pugal, was at a party in the 10900 block of Martinque Way about 11 p.m. Saturday when he stepped outside for an unknown reason. Upon hearing gunshots, friends ran outside and found him lying on the street, San Diego police Lt. Kevin Rooney said.
This message came from our Chairman Iit Penaflor who is a God Mother to AJ
My heart has been aching since the day i was told of this tragic event & has pulled my hair trying to figure out how to help. I know it is important for them to give Aj a decent funeral service...i have done my part as his ninang but it is not i am asking you to open your heart and help our fellow batch 80.
Donations may be mailed to:
Susan Caluza's home address or to me at 14378 Augusta Dr., Valley Center, CA 92082
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact susan or myself. Abdon has asked me to make the announcement re: funeral services & i posted it on my wall or send it to some or most of their friends in & out of sjs.
A Massage From Ron Fabular
What happened to Abdon and his family is tragic and after finding out more and listening to the news, our batchmate can really use our help.
I think we need to gather everyone and see if we could help their family financially. News 8 reported that their house is in foreclosure and that the burial expense will be a challenge. How do we get everyone to help and pitch in? How can we help as a group? Abdon is a family to all of us. SJS is a family. We are family.
Let's get this rolling. It does not have to be right away. Any help we can give them will go a long way.
thank you all.
A blog of SJS High School Alumni of Olongapo City, Philippines, Batch of 1980.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Alumni Initiative
Every year the Alumni of St. Joseph's School and now a College, were meeting for a Reunion of some sort. We meet, dance, eat and talk of old times. We were happy just to see each other again and talked of old times back when we were in high school. We were having fun, but then after the party it feels that something is missing, some of us feels that it should not end when the party ends. An idea come about, "what if while having fun on the reunions we are making a difference to someones life" A young life that we can give a better chance for facing the future through education. Would it be doubly nice that while having fun we can leave a legacy. Knowing that while we're enjoying ourselves, we are helping someone for a hope of a better tomorrow and a productive life.
The Class of 1980 would like to begin or float an idea that we the alumni as a whole body can make a difference not as an individual or a batch but as a group. Wherein we can make a sustainable commitment to make a difference to someones life. We like to call it the ALUMNI INITIATIVE not by our class but by the Alumni as a whole. Meaning, we as an alumni of SJS -SJC on our own initiative is willing to commit and support to make a difference to someones life.
In order to do a "giving back" to our school we need to be organize. Our school is in existence since 1948 how many alumni were there since that time. Some of those alumni ended here in the USA, we do not know how many but based on the turnout of the last reunion (2010 Grand reunion) there were a lot of us. Perhaps too many, yet we do not have an alumni organization here is the USA.
In view of this, our batch is proposing for the creation of an SJS-SJC Alumni USA. We do not know how this will come about, but Louie Sena researched what it will take to form one. At this time, we wonder how many of you alumni were thinking about it. We are all willing to help our school in way way or another, but if we have an established organization this help will be more focused and be on the terms that we the alumni wanted. Just a thought.
The Class of 1980 would like to begin or float an idea that we the alumni as a whole body can make a difference not as an individual or a batch but as a group. Wherein we can make a sustainable commitment to make a difference to someones life. We like to call it the ALUMNI INITIATIVE not by our class but by the Alumni as a whole. Meaning, we as an alumni of SJS -SJC on our own initiative is willing to commit and support to make a difference to someones life.
In order to do a "giving back" to our school we need to be organize. Our school is in existence since 1948 how many alumni were there since that time. Some of those alumni ended here in the USA, we do not know how many but based on the turnout of the last reunion (2010 Grand reunion) there were a lot of us. Perhaps too many, yet we do not have an alumni organization here is the USA.
In view of this, our batch is proposing for the creation of an SJS-SJC Alumni USA. We do not know how this will come about, but Louie Sena researched what it will take to form one. At this time, we wonder how many of you alumni were thinking about it. We are all willing to help our school in way way or another, but if we have an established organization this help will be more focused and be on the terms that we the alumni wanted. Just a thought.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Message From SJS
It is time to hear from your Alma Mater, St. Joseph School.
FYI: Current facilities you do not have before: Fully air-conditioned library, home economics room, computer lab, internet lab, audio-visual room, chemical and physical lab. Facilities under construction: Bigger canteen cum student lounge, two-floor library, bigger audio-visual room to ... See morehouse 2000 plus students;
BADLY NEEDED: More scholarship grants to poor but deserving students-almost two sections have not enrolled yet due to financial constraints but these students do not wish to leave St. Joseph. At the moment we have the following scholarship grant breakdown: School's scholarship grants: 11 for working students, 50 for academic excellence, 5 for athletics grant, and tuitional discounts for children of employees and more than two children enrolled at SJS; 400 DepEd grants for students coming from public schools;
ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS DIRECT TO THE SCHOOL: 3 for Batch 67; 7 from Batch 79 including personal grant by anonymous 79; other batches have scholars not directly addressed to the school.Please inform the principal's office if you have any. PAASCU ACCREDITATION PROCESS is underway.
I am appealing to all alumni here and aborad to support the school fulfill its vision of producing more Christ-centered, dynamic and effective graduates,
Imelda Tulio-Lampaso
5/24/2010 at 17:51
repost by sjsbatch80
FYI: Current facilities you do not have before: Fully air-conditioned library, home economics room, computer lab, internet lab, audio-visual room, chemical and physical lab. Facilities under construction: Bigger canteen cum student lounge, two-floor library, bigger audio-visual room to ... See morehouse 2000 plus students;
BADLY NEEDED: More scholarship grants to poor but deserving students-almost two sections have not enrolled yet due to financial constraints but these students do not wish to leave St. Joseph. At the moment we have the following scholarship grant breakdown: School's scholarship grants: 11 for working students, 50 for academic excellence, 5 for athletics grant, and tuitional discounts for children of employees and more than two children enrolled at SJS; 400 DepEd grants for students coming from public schools;
ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS DIRECT TO THE SCHOOL: 3 for Batch 67; 7 from Batch 79 including personal grant by anonymous 79; other batches have scholars not directly addressed to the school.Please inform the principal's office if you have any. PAASCU ACCREDITATION PROCESS is underway.
I am appealing to all alumni here and aborad to support the school fulfill its vision of producing more Christ-centered, dynamic and effective graduates,
Imelda Tulio-Lampaso
5/24/2010 at 17:51
repost by sjsbatch80
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
San Antonio de Pala Asistencia

The San Antonio de Pala Asistencia was founded on June 13, 1816 in what is today the Pala Indian Reservation located in San Diego County (some twenty miles inland) as an asistencia ("sub-mission") to Mission San Luis Rey de Francia, upstream from the mission on the San Luis Rey River. Its official title is now Mission San Antonio de Pala. Pala (a derivation of the native term Pale, meaning water) was essentially a small rancho surrounded by large fields and herds. The Pala site had been noted by Father Juan Mariner and Captain Juan Pablo Grijalva on an exploratory trip in 1795, when they went up the San Diego River, and then through Sycamore Canyon to the Santa Maria Valley (or Pamó Valley) and into what they named El Valle de San José, now known as Warner Springs. Once Mission San Luis Rey began to prosper, its existence attracted the attention of large number of mountain Indians, dubbed the Luiseños by the Spanish.
The site for the Pala Mission was selected because it served as a natural gathering place for the native tribesman. Father Peyrí oversaw the addition of a chapel and housing to the granary complex that was constructed at the spot in 1810. The chapel (whose interior wall surfaces featured paintings by native artists, and which today is the only mission facility still serving an Indian tribe) originally measured 144 by 27 feet. Workers went into the Palomar Mountains and cut down cedar trees for use as roof beams. Pala is unique among all of the Franciscan missions in that it boasts the only completely freestanding campanile, or "bell tower," in all of Alta California. By 1820, some 1,300 baptisms had been performed at the outpost. The Mexican Congress passed An Act for the Secularization of the Missions of California on August 17, 1833 (the Act was ratified in 1834). Father Buenaventura Fortuna surrendered Mission San Luis Rey and all its holdings, including Las Flores Estancia and the Pala Asistencia, to government comisianados (commissioners) Pío Pico and Pablo de la Portillà on August 22, 1835; the assessed value of "Rancho de Pala" was $15,363.25. Fearful of the impending "conquest" of California by the United States, Pico sold off all of the holdings (including Pala) to Antonio J. Cot and José A. Pico on May 18, 1846 for $2,000 in silver and $437.50 in wheat (the sale was later declared invalid by the U.S. Government). Through the years, priests from San Luis Rey continued to visit Pala and conduct baptisms, marriages, and worship services.
On Christmas Day, 1899 the San Jacinto Earthquake shook the Pala Valley, causing the rook over the church sanctuary to collapse. In 1902, a group calling itself the "Landmarks Club of Southern California" (under the direction of acclaimed American journalist, historian, and photographer Charles Fletcher Lummis) purchased Pala Mission. The following year, the Club returned ownership to the Catholic Church and "...saved the Chapel and a few rooms from complete ruin with a timely work of partial restoration...". Pala is alone among the California missions in that it that has ministered without interruption to the needs of the Indians for whom it was originally built since its inception. It is also the only sub-mission still intact. The traditional Corpus Christi Fiesta has been celebrated every year since its founding. Though it lacked a resident priest, Pala nonetheless served as the "mother" mission to chapels in Cahuilla, La Jolla, Pauma, Pichanga, Rincon, Santa Rosa, and Temecula. On August 9, 1942 MGM motion picture actress Ruth Hussey was wed at Pala Mission.
From 1948 to 1991 the Pala Mission was entrusted to the Comboni Fathers who in 1954 began an ambitious rebuilding program, with little money but much cooperation from the local parishioners and friends of the Mission. The effort received considerable publicity and attracted the help of individuals and groups from throughout Southern California, and by April of 1959, the structure was completed as it stands today
In May of 1991, the administration of the Mission was returned to the Diocese of San Diego. Then in June of 1993 the Franciscan Friars, OFM Conv. and the Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia accepted the pastoral care of this very special Mission. As of June 1996 the Barnabite Fathers are in charge of the Pala Mission.
Mission San Antonio de Pala offers many unique Tourist Attractions. The original simple structure is a fine example of Mission Architecture. The long chapel, which displays Native American paintings on its walls and the original floor, offers the visitor a prayerful and reflective atmosphere. The bell tower, modeled after one in Juarez, Mexico, differs from all others in the 21 California Mission Chain in that it stands apart from the main structure. The old cemetery, the Mission Courtyard garden, and shrines have the strong appeal of peace and meditation and are reminiscent of the past.
1810. The first recorded mention of Rancho de Pala appeared in Padre Antonio Peyri's Mission San Luis Rey Mission annual report appeared. He recorded building a granary at that location. Six years later a chapel was built and...
18 June 1816. Padre Peyri dedicated the Pala Asistencia. It became prosperous and up to 1,300 converts were ministered to from dedication to the time the mission system went into decline.
1818. A town started to take shape around the Asistencia and after three years Padre Mariano Payeras noted that all that was lacking to make Pala a complete mission was a resident priest.
1827. The Asistencia was at a peak of prosperity. In a report José Maria Echeandía wrote that Mission San Luis Rey "has a station called San Antonio de Pala with a church, dwellings and granaries and with a few fields where wheat, corn, beans, garbanzos, and other leguminous plants are grown."
Late 1830s. The Asistencia underwent secularization. This started a time of decline for the property
14 November 1845. Pala, along with Mission San Luis Rey, was sold to Jose A. Cot and Jose A. Pico. That sale was later nullified but it started a process of sales of various mission properties. Fortunately, Pala was located away from the main lines of travel at the time so the Indians were able to keep the chapel and some of the grounds in repair.
1899. An earthquake damaged the chapel. It was repaired by the Indians with the help of the Landmarks Club. Likewise, when a flood damaged the campanile, it was rebuilt by the Indians.
1902. The U.S. Government decided to remove Indians from the Warner's Ranch area. Property near Pala was purchased and used for this move in the Spring of 1903.
1903. The Asistencia was returned to the Catholic Church through the Landmarks Club which has been able to purchase it from a private owner.
1954. Father Januarius Carillo started a restoration program where original bricks would be made and used to rebuild the original quadrangle. Cedar logs were brought from the Palomar Mountain for this reconstruction.
1959. The restoration of the original quadrangle was completed.
1992. The chapel underwent extensive restoration due to termite damage in the roof.
Along Pala Mission Road (just North of California 76) in Pala, 23 miles from Interstate 5 along California 76. If coming from Oceanside turn left from Highway 76 just at the Pala Casino and proceed through the town to the Asistencia. GPS 33°21'40"N 117°04'45"W.
Pala Mission write up is here because you will pass this place as you go into the site of our reunion site, which is Pala Casino.
Monday, February 1, 2010
February Celebrants
all february celebrants
February 2 Erlinda Amarilla
February 2 Lindberg Macomb
February 2 Marites Medina
February 4 Corsina Sison
February 5 Beth Rendorio
February 5 Fidel Medina
February 5 Sylvia Yabut
February 5 Jocelyn Valdez
February 7 Ma Adelaida Layug
February 7 Ma Alicia Layug
February 7 Ma Aurora Layug
February 8 Renato Zuniga
February 8 Claudita Reyes
February 9 Enrique Ortigera
February 10 Rowena Salvador
February 10 Dolores Frias
February 10 Nevilla Campos
February 14 Hart Lacanilao
February 14 Evangeline Pili
February 14 Fanny Atanacio
February 15 Luz Capuz
February 15 Ronald Marcelino
February 15 Fe Padilla
February 16 Emmanuel Albano
February 16 Juliana santos
February 18 thomas Artap
February 22 Eduardo Paz
February 22 George Antes
February 23 Maribeth Dela Pena
February 28 Cliff Ruel Roma Malig
February 29 Benette Yumul
Saturday, January 23, 2010
by Rick Warren
from the book The Purpose Driven Life
To make yourself happy, pursue your passions & be the best of what you can be.
Simplify your life. Take away the clutter.
Get rid of destructive elements: abusive friends, nasty habits, and dangerous liaisons.
Don’t abandon your responsibilities but don’t overdose on duty.
Don’t date because you are desperate.
Don’t marry because you are miserable.
Don’t have kids because you think your genes are superior.
Don’t philander because you think you are irresistible.
Don’t associate with people you can’t trust.
Don’t cheat. Don’t lie. Don’t pretend.
Don’t dictate because you are smarter.
Don’t demand because you are stronger.
Don’t sleep around because you think you are old enough & know better.
Don’t hurt your kids because loving them is harder.
Don’t sell yourself, your family, or your ideals.
Don’t stagnate!
Don’t regress.
Don’t live in the past. Time can’t bring anything or anyone back.
Don’t put your life on hold for possibly Mr. Right.
Don’t throw your life away on absolutely Mr. Wrong because your biological clock is ticking.
Learn a new skill.
Find a new friend.
Start a new career.
Sometimes, there is no race to be won, only a price to be paid for some of life’s more hasty decisions.
To terminate your loneliness, reach out to the homeless.
To feed your nurturing instincts, care for the needy.
To fulfill your parenting fantasies, get a puppy.
Don’t bring another life into this world for all the wrong reasons.
Don’t live life recklessly without thought and feeling for your family.
Be true to yourself.
Don’t commit when you are not ready.
Don’t keep others waiting needlessly.
Go on that trip. Don’t postpone it.
Say those words. Don’t let the moment pass.
Do what you have to, even at society’s scorn.
Write poetry.
Love Deeply.
Walk barefoot.
Dance with wild abandon.
Cry at the movies.
Take care of yourself. Don’t wait for someone to take care of you.
You light up your life.
You drive yourself to your destination.
No one completes you - except YOU.
It isn’t true that life does not get easier with age.
It only gets more challenging.
Don’t be afraid. Don’t lose your capacity to love.
Pursue your passions.
Live your dreams.
Don’t lose faith in God.
Don’t grow old. Just grow YOU!
When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back.
Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give to someone is your time.
Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is T-I-M-E because the essence of love is not what we think or do or provide for others, but how much we give of ourselves.
God is good all the time!
God is good all the time!
Friday, January 1, 2010
January Celebrants
to all batch 80 celebrants for January
January 1 Romelito Jose
January 4 Alexander Pineda
Januray 4 Geanwel Diaz
January 5 Virgilio Lucena
January 5 Gina Marie Rhodes
January 6 Edgardo Ibarra
January 6 Jeanette Fredeluces
January 9 Luzviminda Duran
January 10 Danilo Layson
January 10 Renato Manabat
January 11 Amber Elomina
January 11 Ramona Rosemarie Juth
January 13 Nona Robles
January 13 Nerida Gerona
January 13 Robert Scheinhost
January 13 Ma Thelma Bayani
January 15 Joel Laurea
January 15 Luzviminda Tanudra
January 18 Virgilio Ebalo
January 18 Rolando David
January 20 Jerry Mondonedo
January 21 Ronaldo Cando
January 21 Judith Levita
January 23 Paulino Ticsay
January 23 Eloisa Matias
January 24 Joelene Paudan
January 25 Philip Santos
January 26 Ma Fe Quitangon
January 26 Joseph Cajipo
Janaury 29 Francis Rivero
January 29 Cynthia Constantino
January 30 Jose Ariston
January 30 Thelma Galvez
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